RE: Property suggestions

> > So you think that CSS2's generated content is bad?  As in:
> >
> > 	Q:before { content: open-quote; }
> > 	Q:after  { content: close-quote; }
> Depends. If the quotes are part of the content (as I think they would be
> most of the time), then this should not be used any more than a <PERIOD> tag
> should be used in place of one of these. I think that case would be the
> norm. I think the construct you describe is only appropriate for quotes that
> are there for decorative purposes.

True.  But the rest of the examples of "Generated Content" (section 12, CSS2)
aren't just decorative like curly-quotes.  Or are they?:

	P.note:before { content: "Note: " }

Style *is* decorative; does that *preclude* generated content to a decorative


Received on Thursday, 22 October 1998 00:43:13 UTC