RE: Named Styles

Thus spake Jelks Cabaniss :

" You can *sort of* do that now with CLASS styling in CSS.  But CLASS properly
" used (IMO) should really apply to semantics, like <p class="legal">...
"What you
" end up with today is a lot of stuff like <p class="ItalicRed"> which implies
" that CLASS means STYLE information.

Isn't it your choice how you use CLASS or ID. You can even use multiple
classes per element: 2 for semantics, 1 for style (new! now with twice the
semantics!). The Core Style project proposed, quietly, the following "named
styles" namespace, with a category devoted to "functional/presentational":

/* Dublin Core Metadata Set




/* semantic/rhetorical


/* functional/presentational


Todd Fahrner                    The printed page transcends space and time.        The printed page, the infinitude of books,  must be transcended. THE ELECTRO-LIBRARY.
                                                   - El Lissitzky, 1923

Received on Wednesday, 21 October 1998 22:37:57 UTC