Re: Display Property Suggestion

Gabriel Paiz III wrote:

> is it something of a given that the next version of CSS will address
> rendering of replaced content, images in particular?  (Hopefully through
> an extension of 'content' like Ian's above.)  I've looked through the
> archive from March 98 on,  and didn't see much on it.

It isn't a given until it has happened. But there have been several
suggestions regarding replaced content. 

Some types of replaced content have no intrinsic dimensions - vector
graphics, audio; so the "auto" value for width and height could be a

Some types of replaced content need scaling that preserves the aspect
ratio - video for example, see the SMIL spec and the Note on SMIL and

There has been a suggestion that the color profile of an image could be
indicated in the style sheet.

Anything else about renxdering of replaced content that you had in mind?


Received on Monday, 2 November 1998 07:41:58 UTC