Re: Changes in CSS2 (also a test, and longish to boot)

Ian Hickson writes:

 > One thing I'm noit sure of -
 > CSS1: text-align
 > CSS2: alignment
 > Can any one explain the discrepancy? i.e., that in CSS1 to align inline
 > elements you use "text-align" and in CSS2 it got changed to "alignment".

It's a mistake which will be fixed in the next release of the Working
Draft. The property will continue to be called "text-align" and there
will be no property called "alignment".



H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e
World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Sunday, 4 January 1998 10:50:29 UTC