W3C Core Styles

W3C is developing a set of Core Style Sheets which will reside on the
W3C server to be pointed to by any document on the Web. Todd Fahrner
of Verso has written these style sheets and Verso is termorarily
hosting them at [1]. We aim to announce the project widely in a month
or so and in the meantime we'd like feedback from the www-style list.
Do they look good? Do they hang your browser?

From the project description:

  The project aims to promote cascadability among Web stylesheets of
  diverse origins, and to provide style authors with high-quality models
  and bases for their own elaboration. It provides four CSS1 stylesheets
  ("families"), each composed of five modules, or nodes. Each family
  addresses all elements of the HTML 4.0 DTD, declaring values for all
  CSS1 properties.

[1] http://www.verso.com/agitprop/corestyle/modulor/



H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e
howcome@w3.org      http://www.w3.org/people/howcome
World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 1998 17:25:04 UTC