Re: Flow around floats (proposal for float-displace)

I forgot to mention one thing in my post a few minutes ago [1].  This
proposal is the solution to the problem I raised a few weeks ago about
lists and floats [2] (and which was noted in the spec [3], as Ian
Hickson pointed out [4]).  If one were to declare (possibly in a UA
style sheet):

UL, OL, DIR, MENU { float-displace: jaggedbox; }

the typical behavior of floated images using HTML's align would be
restored, and the list markers would not flow on the "wrong side"
of a float.  This could then be reversed by someone who increased
the margin on a UL and had a small image floated to its left, by

UL { float-displace: inline; } /* none would work too */

David Baron


Received on Sunday, 27 December 1998 20:45:56 UTC