RE: New W3C Note about suggested CSS extensions

> The form doesn't have a place for comments. Please you use this
> mailing list ( to discuss why you want (or don't
> want) something, or how it should work.

Thanks.  Just submitted.

I have a question concerning #28, Symbolic Constants:

> If the same value appears in multiple places, such as all 
> headings getting the same color, you can use rule grouping:
> H1, H2, H3 {color: #faa}
> Some people find it more convenient to use grouping for other
> purposes, and use a symbolic constant instead. E.g.:
> @define orange = #faa;
> H1 {color: orange}
> H2 {color: orange}
> H3 {color: orange}

Why would using @define preclude grouping?  Why couldn't you say:

	@define orange = #faa;
	H1, H2, H3 {color: orange};


Received on Saturday, 26 December 1998 21:09:37 UTC