Re: Various Niggling CSS1 Questions

>Neither NN4 nor MSIE4 render H1 elements in 12pt serif on my screen.

   Macintosh or Win95?  MSIE4 and NN4 for Macintosh both have the behavior
I describe.  I didn't test it in Windows, but others have complained in my
direction about the same thing.  Either way, based on your other comments,
I take it that it's legal to override the text size.  It isn't polite,
necessarily, but it is legal.

> > 1. Why are the anchor pseudo-classes limited only to HREF anchors?  I'd
> > kind of like to be able to apply styles to NAME anchors...
>Right, it would be convenient in a few cases but it would complicate
>the specification without adding a critical feature. AFAIK, You're the
>first person who's asked for this.

   Hey, I'm a trailblazer!  Of course, that likely means that nobody else
saw a reason to wander in this direction.

> > ...It would be much nicer to be able to do something like this:
> >
> >    BODY {color: blue;}
> >    HR {color: none;}
> >
> > ...or whatever-- substitute a more appropriate value keyword if you like.
>Are you trying to hide HRs? If so, this rule should do the job:
>  HR { display: none }

   No, I want HRs to display but not take on any coloring; that is, display
the usual dark-and-light-gray engraved effect that most current browsers
use for HRs.  In the above example, all HRs would be flat blue lines, with
no obvious engraving effects.  (Again, this is true in the browsers I've
tested.)  Otherwise, if I want a blue forground but browser-default HRs, I
have to declare something like:

   H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P, UL, PRE, BLOCKQUOTE, TABLE {blue;}

This is a lot less convenient than the hypothetical style sheet in my
previous post, which had two simple rules.
   If I'm still being confusing, I can produce test pages to show what I'm
talking about.

Eric A. Meyer  -  -
 Hypermedia Systems Manager
 Digital Media Services      
 Case Western Reserve University

Received on Wednesday, 24 September 1997 15:41:56 UTC