Complete CSS1 implementation in IE4?

Can anyone confirm that the full CSS1 spec is implemented in IE4?  (I'm using
build 4.71.0535.1)

I'm currently writing a CSS1 style sheet editor (for Windows) with optional
IE3/IE4 preview (using COM), but can't seem to get the border: attribute to
render.  Is this actually the case?  Should

P.BlueBorder: {border: solid blue}
<P class=BlueBorder>This paragraph should be surrounded by a blue border. This
paragraph should be surrounded by a blue border. This paragraph should be
surrounded by a blue border.</P>

display a border?

I've so far implemented Font Properties, Color & Background Properties & am
starting on Text Properties (but wanted a sneak preview of the border
properties!).  The background: repeat-x, repeat-y and no-repeat properties
also don't seem to work.

Jay Gooby
Tui Interactive Media
34-35 Dean Street London W1V 5AP UK
+44 (0) 171 734 7757 

Received on Monday, 2 June 1997 15:31:49 UTC