CSS2 Query: 15.2 alignment

   In my perusals of the CSS2 draft specification, I suddenly realized that
'text-align' seems to have been replaced with 'alignment.'  Is this
intentional, or an error in the CSS2 spec?  If intentional, will this bring
the Great Backwards Compatibility Debate up once again?
   Also, does anyone know where 'vertical-align' and 'line-height' went?  I
couldn't find them in the chapter on Text, nor in Fonts, but maybe I didn't
look hard enough (or was in the wrong places).

Eric A. Meyer  -  eam3@po.cwru.edu  -  http://www.cwru.edu/home/eam3.html
 Hypermedia Systems Manager
 Digital Media Services                http://www.cwru.edu/dms/dms.html
 Case Western Reserve University       http://www.cwru.edu/

Received on Monday, 8 December 1997 12:01:23 UTC