Re: Can cascading work?

Terje Norderhaug wrote:
> The style-sheet negotiation can be done based on knowledge about how well
> different style properties work together. In other words, the renderer is
> an expert system that takes the style sheets as guidelines and tries to
> figure out an appropriate compromise.
> Such a negotation strategy is a contrast to a deterministic procedural
> cascading mechanism and would suggest more descriptive style sheets that
> contain metainformation useful for the negitation. It might be better to
> follow such a path for DSSSL and leave CSS to provide the simpler cascading
> approach.

I feel quite the opposite. DSSSL's fully programmable model would make
it very difficult to determine what two stylesheets "mean" so that you
could merge them intelligently. CSS's declarative-only format is much
more amenable to that. On the other hand, CSS already has a well defined
cascading model, so there is really no room for the heuristics you
describe. That would have to be done in some new language.

 Pual Prescod

Received on Thursday, 24 April 1997 17:53:31 UTC