RE: LINK'ed style sheets

You can also surround the contents of the <STYLE>-contained embedded
stylesheet with comments, similar to the <SCRIPT> commenting procedure. 

H1 { text-decoration: underline; color: blue }
P { color: red }

Planned implementation is, I believe, to apply <LINK>ed stylesheets
automatically, but allow the user to selectively turn them off. 
Comments on this plan are welcome.

Chris Wilson

>Sent: 	Sunday, June 16, 1996 11:34 AM
>Subject: 	Re: LINK'ed style sheets
>> In MS IE 3.0 beta 1, a style sheet referenced through the LINK element 
>> will automatically be applied to a document. However, according to
>                                                        ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ 
>> the specification, the LINK element should be used to refer to 
>  ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> alternative style sheets that the user can select. If you style sheets to 
>> be automatically applied, the @import .. construct within the 
>> STYLE element is better: 
>Here is the actual wording:
>: Authors can use LINK elements to offer readers a choice of style
>: e.g: 
>:  <LINK TITLE="Old" REL=stylesheet HREF=""
>:  <LINK TITLE="New" REL=stylesheet HREF=""
>:  <LINK TITLE="Wacky" REL=stylesheet HREF=""
>Nowhere does it say that <STYLE> *must* be used for a style sheet to be
>automatically applied.  I also feel it would be foolish to insist on
>this, as 
><STYLE> results in the style sheet appearing as gibberish at the start
>of the 
>page on browsers that do not support it, while <LINK rel=stylesheet> is
>Michael Seaton (

Received on Monday, 17 June 1996 12:55:20 UTC