Re: another logo idea

Chris Ridd wrote:
> I'm afraid these logos look like someone's arse through a telescope

Since exposing these logos to public scrutiny I've been bombarded with
deprecatory comments, such as "...burst out laughing", "...silly", and
"...a good laugh". This is ok. History shows that the work of great
artists is often denigrated during their lifetimes. But your egregious
observation implies a prurient perception that demands rebuttal. I will
explain the meaning of my designs so that the esthetic-deprived might
appreciate the concepts that inspired them.

logo3 <>

Web artists have been seeking a better means to express their
creativity. CSS1 gives succor to these artists, providing them with a
fount of new tools. When you rotate your head 90 degrees you will note
that this logo bears some resemblance to the Cascade Range (mountains
in the northwest US) at the dawn of a new day. Red hot-air balloons
hover above the peaks in celebration of an emerging standard.

logo4 <>

CSS1 marks the end of artistic restraint imposed by the restrictions of
HTML. It is a universal truth that with every end comes a new
beginning, and any analysis of this cheeky concept must bear this in
mind. Note the tension produced by the angularity of "SS", giving
rotational impetus to the circular shape and implying an impending
cascade, as well as eventual sheets. Note also the moon is often
considered the engine of true creativity.

I hope these explanations are enlightening, and that you will
reconsider your flippant criticism.

David Perrell

Received on Monday, 9 December 1996 14:44:16 UTC