smil in a html page

I'm a student in a University in Pisa, Italy. I'm doing a stage in CNR 
research centre, in Pisa, ISTI division. I would know something about 
SMIL. For my stage, i have to including some SMIL animation and 
transition in a xhtml file. I saw that smil run whit html only using a 
Microsoft html+time namespace with Explorer browser. With html+time 
namespace work only some elements of smil. That's correct or there are 
other way to run smil inside html? Have you some good demos to show me?
I have to do some work with mobile device. Smil can run on mobile 
device whit Internet Explorer Mobile? I tryed this but it dosen't work!
Answer to me quickly if you can, because my time it's almost at the end!
Thanks for your time.


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