Re: (X)HTML5 + SMIL?

Thanks David :)  I've run across fakesmil before, but i haven't poked around
your source yet, i'll just do that now.

I'm curious what your experience implementing this in JS has been, whether
there are particular performance issues you've encountered, or things that
were particularly difficult that you may have had to hack around or



On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 9:26 AM, David Leunen <> wrote:

>> if anyone has interest in trying to develop a JS based SMIL player.
> I've developed a little JS script that implements most of the animation
> module (works with SVG and XHTML) + Timesheets.
> It's not complete, but Jeff used to use it successfully on his blog.

Received on Saturday, 6 March 2010 15:02:09 UTC