Re: Article about SMIL


Could you please provide a link to your article ?



Krapivko Yuriy wrote:
> *Hello!*
> Our company *Conkurent LLC* ( wishes to place 
> article (*SMIL*)  on your page
> As it can be made.
> Best regards
> Yuriy Krapivko, SEO-manager Conkurent LLC.
> *Our article:*
> The word SMIL is of frequent occurrence in computer technologies area. A 
> lot of users find this abbreviation in various articles, texts and 
> documents nowadays. But who knows exactly what it stands for?
> We’d like to help You to understand its meaning properly. So, the first 
> thing You should know about it, SMIL stands for *S*ynchronized 
> *M*ultimedia *I*ntegration *L*anguage.
> The pronunciation of it used to be "smile"! So, it is very simple to 
> remember for everyone!
> It was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium and released in 1998.
> Actually, SMIL is a language and it is used for describing audiovisual 
> presentations.
> In fact, it is HTML-like language and easy to learn and understand. It 
> is written in XML usually, and text-editor can be used for it.
> So, SMIL file contains all the information which is necessary to 
> describe a multimedia presentation. Such files are stored with the file 
> extension .smil.
> A SMIL file contains the following:
>     * -          layout of  presentation;
>     * -         timeline of presentation;
>     * -         the source of the multimedia elements.
> SMIL has a lot of useful functions. They are:
>    1.   Creation of Internet and slide-show presentations.
>    2.   Displaying of multiple file types, such as text, video, audio,
>       etc. (SMIL presentations)
>    3.   Displaying of multiple files at the same time (SMIL presentations).
>    4.   Displaying of files from multiple web servers (SMIL presentations).
>    5.   SMIL presentations can contain links to other SMIL presentations.
>    6.   SMIL presentations can contain control buttons (stop, start,
>       next, etc.).
>    7.   Defining sequences and duration of elements.
>    8.   Defining position and visibility of elements.
> You should install a SMIL player to view a SMIL presentation or at least 
> any player that supports it, such as Apple's Quicktime player, Windows 
> Media Player, and RealNetworks RealPlayer.

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2010 08:35:08 UTC