Re: Response to [SMIL30 CR comment] to-animation (12.6.4)

On 2008-08-26 18:15, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote:
> Thierry Michel:
>> Dr. Olaf Hoffmann,
>> Thank you for your [SMIL30 CR comment] to-animation (12.6.4) [1] sent to
>> the smil mailing list on Mon, 3 Mar 2008.
>> SYMM WG Resolution:
>> Yes your interpretation is correct about:
>> The SYMM WG records that you are satisfied with the SMIL 3.0 coverage of
>>   to-animations.
> Sure, this is ok and consistent for SMIL3.0.
> Meanwhile it turned out, that for example SVG 1.1 viewers have another
> interpretation of discrete to-animation, as one or even more SVG testsuite
> samples of the SVG WG assume too, because there is no specific rule in 
> the old SMIL animation recommendation, SVG 1.1 refers to.
> Typically or at least some viewers divide the simple duration by two to
> have the first half the underlying value and the second half the to-value
> as usual for discrete animation. 
> Well, because it is not explicitely mentioned in the old SMIL animation to do
> is this or the other way, this is not directly a problem of the SYMM WG,
> however it is a minor backwards incompatibility problem for
> authors/implementors. In the SVG testsuite sample meanwhile transferred
> from SVG1.1 to SVGT1.2 this was discovered and this test was surely not
> intended to test this specific behaviour. This might indicate, that the other
> interpretation is quite common, but I have no statistics about this, for 
> example my current SVG1.1 animation tests assume the same behaviour,
> but I was a long time looking around to get something more substantial 
> as available now in SMIL3.0, unfortunately with another rule as assumed
> and implemented ;o) 
> Is the current SMIL3.0 behaviour for discrere to-animation derived from
> (other) current implementations or how has this rule been derived and 
> not the other?

This was already in SMIL 2.0.  In the section that defines the To 
animation [1] it says: "a discrete to animation will simply set the to 
value for the simple duration".  This has been made more prominent in 
SMIL 3.0.  So this is not something new.

I hope this answers your question.


>> Please answer this email, saying that you agree (or disagree) to the
>> resolution of the SYMM WG.
>> On behalf of the SYMM working group,
>> Regards,
>> Thierry Michel
>> [1]

Sjoerd Mullender

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2008 19:24:04 UTC