Re: [SMIL30 LC comment]: fill attribute ( LC-1828)


yes I think, this solves or avoids already one of the problems with the 
fill behaviour - the inconsistency between the behaviour specified
for min and the formulas specified for frozen animations.
Therefore this looks ok for me. But lets resume all problems
with the fill attribute:

1) inconsistency between min and fill - solved now (for animations
without discontinuities)
2) inconsistency between the defintion of the fill attribute in the
timing chapter and the formulas for frozen animations - whether this
is solved or avoided depends on the changes and clarifications of
the wording in the timing section on the fill attribute and maybe
on the next point 3)
3) backwards incompatibility problem for animations containing
discontinuities with the SMIL animation recommendation  
04-September-2001 and the depending profiles of SVG
4) problem of the current formulas for animations containing
discontinuities and more than one value for the moment
rd (in the current changed prose). If this is or how this can
be solved, depends on 3) as already discussed.

Therefore the solution for 1) satisfies me. 2) is maybe ok -
don't know the changes and whether the prose is now 
understandable or not - hopefully it is. The problem 3) 
remains open and 4) too.

Therefore about 25% to 50% of the 'fill-issues' are solved, this is
already a nice progress I appreciate, however it is still
incomplete and therefore I'm not completely satisfied with
the current state of the problems with the fill attribute.
I'd like to have 100% solved to get these nasty problems 
out of our mind to care about more interesting things.

> Working Group [2nd] Resolution (LC-1801):
> Thank you for your comment.
> At this stage the working group would like a clear yes or no answer from
>   you, as we need to move forward to avoid delaying the SMIL 3.0 spec.
> Are you satisfied with the working group resolution?
> If not, then we will acknowledge your answer.
> Note that the resolution for this LC comment LC-1828: more about the
> fill attribute) the resolution was agreed in a joint meeting with the
> SVG working group.
> In order to facilitate your answer, here are the relevant changes to the
> Animation chapter.  The SYMM and SVG working groups have agreed to issue
> an erratum for the Animation chapter of SMIL 2.1.
> The definition of the cumulative animation function has been changed.
> This is only a change in wording, not in effect.  The change was to make
> sure that the functions fi(t) were defined in all cases:
> <quote>
> First we define some intermediate functions. The first iteration f0(t)
> is unaffected by accumulate, and so is the same as the original simple
> animation function definition. Each subsequent iteration adds to the
> result of the previous iterations:
>      f0(t) = f(t)
>      If the animation is non-cumulative, then:
>      fi(t) = f(t - (i*d)) for any integer i > 0.
>      If the animation is cumulative, then:
>      fi(t) = (f(d) * i) + f(t - (i*d)) for any integer i > 0.
> The cumulative animation function, fc(t), for any simple animation
> function f(t) is then:
>      fc(t) = fi(t), where i = floor(t/d).
> </quote>
> The significant change is in the definition of the frozen animation
> function.  This now uses the Intermediate Active Duration as input.
> <quote>
> For an element with active duration AD and intermediate active duration
> IAD, we define the repeat duration rd as:
> rd = min(AD,IAD).
> The frozen animation function is then given by:
> ff(t) = fc(t) for all times t: 0<=t<rd;
> ff(t) = ff(rd) for all times t: rd<=t<=AD where ff(rd) is defined below.
> This is the value before the element is frozen.
> When the element is frozen, t is effectively equal to AD, which
> according to the above definition is equivalent to saying t is
> effectively equal to rd.
> In the following equations we define ff(rd).
> If rd is not an integer multiple of the simple duration d, then ff(rd) =
> fi(rd), where i = floor(rd/d).
> This is equivalent to fc(rd), except that fc(t) is not formally defined
> for t=rd. In this case, the equations remain consistent, and so the
> equivalent of fc(rd) is used for the frozen value ff(rd).
> If rd is an integer multiple of d, i.e. rd = d*i for some positive
> integer i, and the animation is non-cumulative,
> ff(rd) = f(d).
> If rd is an integer multiple of d, i.e. rd = d*i for some positive
> integer i, and the animation is cumulative,
> ff(rd) = f(d) * i.
> Note that f(d) is a shorthand for the "last value defined for the
> animation function" (e.g., the to value or the last value in the values
> list).
> Also note that if the fill behavior of the animation element is
> "remove", the animation effect is removed at the end of the repeat
> duration and the definition of fc(rd) is not used. The remainder of the
> active duration (if any) is only relevant for synchronization purposes.
> </quote>
> See our earlier resolution.

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2007 13:26:09 UTC