Re: SMIL question

John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> Sjoerd,
>>><smil xmlns=""> is definitely a typo in the doc. It must be! It would not work in the RealPlayer 10, until I added « /Language ».
>>Where did you find <smil xmlns="">?
>>Sjoerd Mullender <>
> John

I don't think this is necessarily a typo.  The Layout module example
shows one way in which the region element can be used.  This example
requires that all SMIL 2.0 modules are available to play this particular
document.  The RealOne player does not implement SMIL 2.0 that way (nor
does any other player that I am aware of).  The RealOne player
implements the SMIL 2.0 Language Profile, and this profile very clearly
describes the requirements, including the required xmlns attribute.

The situation is as follows.  If you want to write a SMIL document, you
have to first choose the profile.  Normally this will be the SMIL 2.0
Language Profile (although other profiles do exist).  If you use a
profile, you have to follow the rules laid out in that profile.

Having said this, I think it would probably have been clearer if the
SMIL 2.0 Language Profile were used in the Layout example, i.e. if the
first line had been
 <smil xmlns="">

Sjoerd Mullender <>

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 16:40:33 UTC