Re: download smile


SMIL is a scripting language and you can download a tutorial or view examples on the Internet how to script/write your smil presentation. You write your presentation in Textpad or any other program. It's more or less like HTML for webpages but in the area of multimedia. You define areas and the contend playing in this areas + timing,... 

check out the following pages linked on this page for an overview about the different provider, player,... 
There are also links to tutorials which should give you an overview. 

Regards Sven

> hello, i'm adi from indonesia
> i want to make project multimedia with smile, but i don't have
> smile programe.i really want to study about smil.
> can anyone help me, where can i download smile with free?
> thanks.
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Received on Monday, 23 May 2005 13:26:14 UTC