RE: Real Text hot linking problem


I just had a look at it and it seems fine to me.  Your code says:

<br/><a href=command:seek(00:12:29.493) target="_player">Wagner: 'Euerer
Magnifizenz Verzeihung'</a>

when my mouse goes over that link, in the top left hand corner of real
player, the seek command appears with the correct time position, and when
you click on it, it does say that time position in the top right hand of the
player (where the current time is located).  However it seems to be silent
at that point.  Nothing looks untoward - however I don't know enough about
that type of music to comment any further.

Steve Bennett

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
John Anderies
Sent: 18 August 2004 16:23
Subject: Real Text hot linking problem


I am having a strange problem with RealText in a SMIL presentation.  I
wonder if anyone could help.  Here is the presentation online:

The problem is that the hot spot of the links are not always lining up
properly with the text that corresponds with the link.  For instance,
clicking on the words "Ostervesper und Fruhlingskeimen" does indeed initiate
the command to seek and play at the correct spot.  But clicking on the words
"Wagner: 'Euerer Magnifizenz Verzeihung'" actually initiates the command to
seek and play the following track: "Faust: 'Also lasst die Studenten ein'".
It seems to have something to do with my inserting non-linking text for the
section titles of the opera.

Here is the markup of the RealText file that goes with the first audio file:


<pos y="0"/>
<font size="+0" color="black">

<b>DISC 1</b> | <b><a href="layout2.smi" target="_player">DISC 2</a></b> |
<b><a href="layout3.smi" target="_player">DISC 3</a></b><br/>


<br/><a href=command:seek(00:00:00.000) target="_player">Ostervesper und
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:06:51.000) target="_player">Der Dichter an die

<br/><br/><b>Vorspiel I</b><br/>

<br/><a href=command:seek(00:12:29.493) target="_player">Wagner: 'Euerer
Magnifizenz Verzeihung'</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:15:39.893) target="_player">Faust: 'Also lasst
die Studenten ein'</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:18:11.266) target="_player">Faust: 'Wer seid

<br/><br/><b>Vorspiel II</b><br/>

<br/><a href=command:seek(00:23:10.800) target="_player">Faust: 'Die Sanduhr
zeigt die Mitternacht</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:31:22.466) target="_player">Faust: 'So spricht,
du Erster, du Tiefster</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:37:39.826) target="_player">Faust: 'Ein
einzelner blieb'</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:43:36.800) target="_player">Faust: 'Willst du
mir dienen?'</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(00:54:05.133) target="_player">Chor: 'Credo in
unum Deum' </a>


<br/><a href=command:seek(01:02:00.826) target="_player">Der Soldat: 'Du,
der du nicht allein'</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(01:08:03.160) target="_player">Mephistopheles:
'Der Mann sinnt auf deinen Tod'</a>
<br/><a href=command:seek(01:11:10.266) target="_player">Leutant: 'Dort!
Seht ihn!

<font size="-2" color="black">

The work from which this copy was made includes
the<br/> following copyright notice:
(P) & (C) Erato Disques
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17,
U.S.<br/> Code) governs the making of reproductions of<br/>
copyrighted material. By using this copy, you agree
to<br/> abide by U.S. copyright law and are liable for any<br/>


Any ideas?

John Anderies

John F. Anderies
Music Librarian
Haverford College
370 Lancaster Ave.
Haverford, PA 19041-1392

610-896-2948 (office)
610-896-1005 (music library)

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 15:48:10 UTC