Re: beginner question : smil and frame

Just begin="" should work.


On Tue, Oct 7 2003 "b.darties" wrote:

> Hi
> I'm using smil for a few hours only, so sorry for this very low-level 
> question
> I have 2 frames A and B. There is an object called "myniceobject" in the 
> frame B, and I want to  link it to a enevenment defined in the frame A. 
> Each frame has a specific name, but I'm unable to find the correct syntax 
> to point to an object located in another frame
> [frame A]
> <smil:par begin="(????)" fill="freeze" (??? missing 
> arguments?)>
> [frame B]
> <img id="myniceobject">
> Could someone help me please? There may be another approach, to define 
> target frame or whatever, but i'm not skilled enough to see a solution.
> benoit 

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Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2003 08:29:36 UTC