The min attribute and restart - a suggestion for the SMIL 2.0 Recommendation Errata

In chapter 10, there are some guidelines referring to restart="always" when the min attribute is defined. 
However, the behavior in case that restart="whenNotActive" along with the min attribute are defined - there is not mentioned.
Since it is written that "The min/max attributes provide the author with a way to control the lower and the upper bound of the element active duration" (min and max definition) which means that min may extract the active duration and also in the restart=whenNotActive definition it says that "The element can only be restarted when it is not active (i.e. it can be restarted after the active end). Attempts to restart the element during its active duration are ignored." I presume that in the following example:

<img dur="5s" min="10s" restart="whenNotActive" begin="0s;6s;12s".... />
the img will only restart at t=12s (since min has stretched its active duration to 10s.
I think this information should be added to the section "The min attribute and restart"

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