Re: Embedding Real Media & Flickering

Here's my guess.

The flicker is contradicting frame updates I think. Certain areas of 
your 'realplayer' window are attempting to re-render themselves at 
different rates, which results in RealPlayer actually re-rendering the 
whole window.

With a flash presentation running at 12 fps, and a video 
presentation running at 15 fps for example, you will have inevitable 
clashes between the different render cycles...

This might also be the cause of your flash playing faster than 
normal as well, as realplayer attempts to 'sync' the framerates of 
the different elements of your presentation.

How to fix this?

I'd suggest making sure that your different elements all have 
similar/standard framerates to minimize this.

Whether it's completely avoidable, I have no idea.


On 8 Jan 2001, at 13:13, wrote:

> Hi SMIL fans,
> I am technical director on a project which utilizes
> embedding a 640X480 smil (1.0) into a web page-- I am using the
> RV 8 w/ Real 5.0 compatibilty and 10 (Flash 2.0) SWF's--
> Running in <par> being called via their begin="#s" and fill="remove"
> I am noticing a flicker which occurs at "seemingly" random intervals...
> and more often when the SWF's are called... Mainly in the video region,
> at times the whole screen/browser will flicker... On both mac and pc... IE 
> and NS
> Has anyone found this flicker phenom? and discovered a fix?
> Also, the swf's are running a bit fast, unlike their performance in a Director
> tool we created, they seem to speed up when used in par with the RV...
> Anyone experience this?
> Your Feedback Is Much Appreciated,
> Nicole McLane
> Technical Director,  
> On-Demand, inc.
> (Consulting for: RAW Interactive/

Received on Monday, 8 January 2001 17:04:24 UTC