RE: XML Linking WG review of SMIL Last Call Working Draft

> > >   - SMIL is not requiring XPointer and is making
> heavy use 
> > of fragment
> > >     identifiers in URI References to parts of
> SMIL documents.
> > >     Hence it must register its own MimeType and
> not be delivered
> > >     as text/xml nor application/xml.

I don't quite understand this. You seem to be saying
that it would be wrong to send SMIL documents as
text/xml and/or application/xml, because SMIL does
not fully use XPointer. This probably also means that
it would be wrong to send SVG documents as text/xml;
since SVG also does not use full XPointer.

I think this is too limiting - there may be cases,
when using a generic XML tool (editor etc.) where
it may make sense to send SMIL and SVG documents using
the text/xml or application/xml MIME type, since the
document is treated as generic XML, and the fact that
it is SMIL is immaterial. I don't see the reason
to forbid this because SVG and SMIL are not using
Xpointer fully - could you explain what would break ?

Having said that, SMIL has been using its own MIME
type since version 1.0 (application/smil), and there
is no intention that SMIL clients will play documents
that are marked as text/xml.

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Received on Friday, 20 October 2000 20:20:20 UTC