Flash in Smil

I'm probably revealing my complete ignorance when it comes to Smil, but 
here it goes:

I am trying to add a flash-file into a Smil application. All I get is a 
white frame where the flash content was supposed to appear. I've also tuned 
the file.

What exactly is the procedure to add flash in smil? I'd be greatful for 
some help!


Førsteamanuensis/Associate Professor
Frode Ulvund
Department of History
University of Bergen
Sydnesplassen 7,
N-5007 Bergen, Norway
+47.555 83207, fax +47.555 88600

Fosswinckelsgate 59, N-5008 Bergen, Norway
Phone:+47. 55318122
Department homepage: http://www.hist.uib.no

Received on Monday, 3 January 2000 07:40:26 UTC