Re: Switch Tags


RealPlayer G2 currently supports system-language and system-bitrate in the
<switch> statement.  For details, please see the RealSystem G2 Production
Guide @:

Your SMIL example will play the video file(V_cin200.avi) and the two audio
files in sequence (Op1ad.wav, Op2ad.wav") if the language preference of
RealPlayer is set to  English.  If the preference is set to French, the
video file(V_cin200.avi) will play with the two other sequenced audio files
(Op1crdv.wav, Op2crdv.wav").  The video and Music44s.wav will playback if
the language preference is something other than English or French.

BTW, RealPlayer is able to playback both .avi and .wav files.

Hope this helps.


At 04:51 PM 2/2/99 -0600, Shelton, David C wrote:
>I'm having a problem with the switch tags working. Supposedly RealMedia's G2
>player supports them, and so does CWI's GRiNS, but the attribute I use don't
>seem to work, and I was wondering if there was anything that might cause
>this, or if I was typing it wrong. 
>The code follows (substitute *.rm for all *.avi and *.wav files for the
>RealMedia G2 to play them)
><!-------------------- Code ---------------------->
>    <head>
>        <layout type="text/smil-basic-layout">
>            <root-layout id="root" height="240" width="430"
>            <region id="VideoChannel1" left="30" top="30" height="180"
>            <region id="AudioChannel1" left="30" top="180" height="1"
>            <region id="AudioChannel2" left="30" top="180" height="1"
>        </layout>
>    </head>
>    <body>
>        <par endsync="last">
>            <video src="V_cin200.avi" id="Video" region="VideoChannel1"/>
>	    <switch>
>	    <seq system-language="en">
>            	<audio src="Op1ad.wav" begin="1s" id="Audio1"
>            	<audio src="Op2ad.wav" begin="2s" id="Audio2"
>	    </seq>
>	    <seq system-language="fr">
>            	<audio src="Op1crdv.wav" begin="1s" id="Audio3"
>            	<audio src="Op2crdv.wav" begin="2s" id="Audio4"
>	    </seq>
>	    <seq>
>            	<audio src="Music44s.wav" id="Audio5"
>	    </seq>
>	    </switch>
>        </par>
>    </body>
><!----------------------- End Code -------------------------->
>RealMedia understands (the best I can tell) the system-language option of
>switch, but GRiNS does not. (in fact, the only thing I can think of that
>GRiNS does support is system-bitrate.) does any one know of the different
>SMIL's viewers and what Text Attributes are supported? 
>>From experimenting, I've gotten the following with GRiNS and RealMedia
>				GRiNS		RealMedia
>system-language		no		yes
>system-screen-depth	no		no
>system-screen-size	no		no
>system-bitrate		yes(?)	?
>the rest			?		?
>Another question related to the <switch> text attributes, do they have to
>match exactly, or is it a => (greater than or equal) or =< (less than or
>equal) situation. For example, do I have to specify all screen sizes, or can
>I say system-screen-size="800x600" and expect the larger screen sizes to
>work with it. From what I can tell, it looks like no, but I'd like to know
>for sure.
>Thanks in advance,
>david s.
>ps. all my sample files are on my computer, none have been placed on the web
>due to copyright issues. sorry.

Received on Tuesday, 2 February 1999 22:41:31 UTC