Re: [SMIL] A question

On Wed, Apr 28 1999 wrote:

> When creating a sequence will a repeat attribute:
> <seq repeat="3" begin="3s">
>  <img src="foo1" dur="4s" region="reg1" />
>  <img src="foo2" dur="4s" region="reg2" />
> </seq>
> Should the timeline be like this (case 1):
>                  1    1    2    2    3
>         ....5....0....5....0....5....0
> seq        [------]   [------]   [------]
> foo1       ****       ****       ****
> foo2           ****       ****       ****
> (we wait 3 seconds between each seq repeat)
> or like this (case 2)
>                  1    1    2    2    3
>         ....5....0....5....0....5....0
> seq        [------][------][------]
> foo1       ****    ****    ****
> foo2           ****    ****    ****
> (we _DON'T_ wait between each seq repeat)

You raise an interesting question.

Wording in one part of the SMIL specification suggests the second
interpretation.  The second bullet item of the section "Determining
the implicit end of an element" of section states

  An element with a "repeat" attribute with a value other than
  "indefinite" has an implicit end equal to the implicit end of a seq
  element with the stated number of copies of the element without
  "repeat" attribute as children.

If this seq was itself in a seq three times with the repeat removed,
then its begin would be used with each repeat, with the same final
behavior as the second example.  This would generate the same effective
end as described in the excerpt above.  If the repeating begin of the
second interpretation is not assumed, then the effective end would
not match the specification in the excerpt above.

Have you (or anyone else) come across other parts of the standard that
suggest either interpretation?


Lloyd Rutledge                              vox: +31 20 592 41 27
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Received on Thursday, 29 April 1999 04:38:33 UTC