Re: Why SMIL technology will prevail over competing methods?

Rolande and ALL,

That's i think about your question:

>I am trying to compose a list of arguments of why SMIL technology will
>prevail over competing methods? I would appreciate the efforts of anyone
>who cares to share their insights. 

First, I think SMIL is a script language to allow browsers to handle and
show multimedia content, not a isolated solution. With SMIL you can 
publish any kind of multimedia files elsewhere on the page, anywhere
and with any other files. You can  put a Shockwave Flash calling a 
RealVideo clip and showing it beside than, after thy show a image 
sequence with a background sound.  The SMIL was bring to put all
multimedia files to work togheter on the Web, like Director was created
to put all multimiedia files to work togheter on CD-ROMs. That's my
point of view.

With best wishes,

Joao Carlos Rebello Caribe
Coordenador Geral do Flash Brasil
Macromedia User Group Leader - RJ

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 1998 04:16:15 UTC