RDF Validation Service

Dear Sir or Madam,

the RDF Validation Service seems tob e down for at least a couple of weeks now. Are there any plans to re-activate the service, or will the service been discontinued.  I found the tool extremely helpful for students starting with RDF. But if necessary, we can install the tool from Github.

With kind regards,

Christian Wartena

Prof. Dr. Christian Wartena
Hochschule Hannover
Fakultät III - Medien, Information und Design
Abt. Information und Kommunikation
Lehrgebiet Sprach- und Wissensverarbeitung
Expo Plaza 12
30539 Hannover
e-mail: christian.wartena@hs-hannover.de<mailto:christian.wartena@hs-hannover.de>
Tel: +49 (0)511 9296 2594

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 08:10:10 UTC