Datalog 2.0 Workshop - 2nd Call for Papers

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               September 11-13, 2012, Vienna, Austria


The "2nd Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and
Industry" (Datalog 2.0, 2012) will be held in Vienna, Austria, on
September 11-13, 2012, and co-located with the ``International
Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems" (RR 2012) and the
``International Conference on Computational Models of Argument" (COMMA
2012).  This will be the first open version of the workshop, second in
total. The previous edition was held in Oxford, UK, during March 2010.
It was based on invitations only.

Datalog 2.0 is a workshop for Datalog researchers, implementors,
and users. Its main aim is to bring everyone up-to-date and map
out directions for future research. Over the past few years, Datalog
has resurrected as a lively topic with applications in many
different areas of computer science, as well as industry. Due to this
renewed interest and increased level of activity in the area, we have
decided to open the workshop for submissions this year.

We have chosen an attractive location: Vienna is certainly a
metropolis with unique charm and one of the most beautiful cities in
Europe. But more importantly, we want to offer an exciting scientific
atmosphere, and receive high level research contributions.

We solicit original submissions on the foundational aspects of
Datalog, as well as on its applications in other areas of computer
science and in industry. Potential areas of application for Datalog
may include (among others): Data management, data mining,
description logics, cloud computing, distributed computing,
knowledge representation, logic programming, privacy and security,
probabilistic reasoning, program analysis, programming languages,
semantic web, social networks, streaming, verification, web services.

Paper submissions must be in electronic form using Portable Document
Format (.pdf). Papers should be formatted according to the Springer
LaTeX2e style llncs for Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The length
should not exceed 12 pages. Papers longer than 12 pages risk rejection
without consideration of their merits. In addition, the authors may
include an unbounded-length appendix (e.g. for proof details), with the
understanding that the appendix is read at the reviewers' discretion.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNCS series.

We also intend to have a track that discusses the influence of Datalog
in industry and practice.  The scope is broad and may range from
business case descriptions to applications of Datalog in R&D. Groups
or individuals that feel interested in presenting their experiences in
this track, please send an e-mail to the chairs of the workshop with a
summary of their proposal. In case of acceptance, the authors will be
invited to provide a 5 page extended abstract to be included in the
workshop proceedings.

Important Dates:

Paper submission DEADLINE: March 20th, 2012
Notification: June 5th, 2012

Invited Speakers:

Thomas Eiter (TU Wien)
Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research)
Phokion Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz)
Oege de Moor (Oxford U.)
Marie-Laure Mugnier (U. of Montpellier)

Invited Tutorials:

Todd J. Green (UC Davis, LogicBlox)
Axel Polleres (Siemens AG Austria)

General Chair:

Georg Gottlob (Oxford U.)

Program Chairs:

Pablo Barcelo (U. of Chile)
Reinhard Pichler (TU Wien)

Program Committee:

Chitta Baral (Arizona State U.)
Piero Bonatti (U. of Napoli)
Loreto Bravo (U. of Concepcion)
Andrea Cali (U. London, Birbeck)
Diego Calvanese (Free U. of Bozen-Bolzano)
Jurgen Dix (TU Clausthal)
Tim Furche (Oxford U.)
Claudio Gutierrez (U. of Chile)
Georg Lausen (U. Freiburg)
Nicola Leone (U. of Calabria)
Y. Annie Liu (SUNY, Stony Br.)
Boon Thau Loo (U. of Pennsylvania)
Raghu Ramakrishnan (Yahoo!)
Sebastian Rudolph (Karlsruhe IT)
Tuncay Tekle (LogicBlox)
Miroslaw Truszczynski (U. Kentucky)
Stijn Vansummeren (U. Libre Bruxelles)
Victor Vianu (UC San Diego)
Stefan Woltran (TU Wien)
Peter Wood (U. London, Birbeck)

Local organizers:

Markus Pichlmair (TU Wien)
Reinhard Pichler (TU Wien)

Received on Friday, 17 February 2012 16:18:43 UTC