KR 2010 - Early Registration 12 March

			       KR 2010
	    Early Registration Deadline: Friday, March 12

Dear KR Community Member,

Please  join  us  for  the  Twelfth International  Conference  on  the
Principles of Knowledge Representation  and Reasoning (KR 2010), to be
held May  9-13, 2010 at The  Sutton Place Hotel,  in Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. Registration is now open and the deadline to qualify for early
registration  is Friday,  March 12.  KR 2010  will be  co-located with
AAMAS,  FOIS,  ICAPS,  and  NMR. Options  for  cross-registration  are

The  Knowledge Representation  and  Reasoning conference  series is  a
leading  forum for timely,  in-depth presentation  of progress  in the
theory and principles  underlying the representation and computational
management of knowledge. The 2010 conference will feature an extensive
technical program, including a series of invited talks by Ron Brachman
(Yahoo!)  and Hector  Levesque (University  of Toronto),  Ian Horrocks
(University of Oxford), Yoav  Shoham (Stanford University), and Chitta
Baral (Arizona State University), as well as several invited tutorials
by Leonardo  de Moura (Microsoft Research),  Carsten Lutz (Universität
Bremen),  Bernhard Nebel  (University of  Freiburg), and  mc schraefel
(University   of  Southampton).   For   participating  students,   the
conference also includes a doctoral consortium.

For complete conference information, please see 

To register, please visit the online registration and information page

For  inquiries  regarding  registration,   please  write  to  AAAI  at   We look forward  to seeing  you in  Toronto this

The KR 2010 Conference Committee


Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 10:23:22 UTC