Call for Papers: 9th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2011)

[Apologies for cross posting]

OWLED 2011

OWL: Experiences and Directions
The Eighth International Workshop
June 5-6, San Francisco, California, USA

Co-located with
2011 Semantic Technology Conference (SemTech 2011)

The adoption of the W3C OWL Web Ontology Language in real-world applications continues to grow as the research and tools for OWL mature. The new version, OWL 2, has been a positive factor in this direction. As the experience in using OWL in different applications and domains increases, the strengths and weaknesses of the language are discovered, resulting in new research and development that further extends its reach.

The OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED) workshop series aims to bring users, developers and researchers from academia and industry together to describe applications of OWL, to share experience, and to discuss extensions to the language for satisfying further application requirements. The workshop will allow the OWL community to set an agenda for research and deployment in order to incorporate OWL-based technologies into new applications.

This year the OWLED workshop will be held June 5-6 in San Francisco, California and be co-located with the 2011 Semantic Technology Conference (SemTech). 

As usual, the OWLED workshop will try to encourage participants to work together and will give space for discussions on various topics to be decided and published at some point in the future. Tutorials on OWL 2 and related technologies will be organized for the larger SemTech community. There will also be formal presentation of submissions to the workshop.

More information on the workshop is forthcoming. For more information or to offer sponsorship, please send us a note at

Important dates
January 10, 2011   Tutorial/demo proposals due
February 28, 2011  Titles and abstract due
March 7, 2011      Paper submissions due
April 14, 2011     Notifications of acceptance
May 14, 2011       Final versions of papers due
June 5-6, 2011     OWLED 2011 workshop

Papers about all aspects of OWL and extensions, applications, theory,
methods and tools, are welcome at the workshop; including but not
limited to the following topics:

- Application-driven requirements for OWL
- Applications of OWL, particularly
  * from industry or 
  * for data integration
  * for service interoperability
  * for sophisticated/non-obvious inference
  * for knowledge discovery
- Experience reports on using OWL, OWL 2 and its profiles
- OWL ontologies, particularly if highly expressive or large scale
- Implementation techniques for OWL and related languages
- OWL based information systems 
- Query answering with OWL
- Performance and scalability experiences
- Bridges between knowledge engineering and OWL
- Non-standard inference services, including:
  * explanations
  * static verification
  * modularity
- Tools for OWL, including:
  * collaborative editing and versioning
  * parsers and syntax checkers
  * high performance reasoners
  * visualization tools
- Extensions to OWL, including:
  * extended constructors for datatypes, properties or classes
  * constraints, rules
  * non-monotonic, probabilistic or fuzzy extensions
  * temporal and spatial extensions

- Tutorials
We invite proposals (maximum 4 pages) for 90 minute tutorials that cover basic, intermediate and advanced OWL-related topics of interest to the OWLED and SemTech communities. Proposals should provide the title, intended audience, skills developed, motivation, objectives, detailed outline, instructor biography and prior tutorial/teaching experience. 

- Application Track
Application papers (maximum 4 pages; LNCS style) may present novel practical approaches in using OWL, or may employ scientific methods (qualitative and/or quantitative) to understand in greater detail the application of OWL in real-world systems.

- Research Track
Research papers (maximum 10 pages; LNCS style) should clearly describe original, significant research pertaining to OWL. 

- Statement of Interest
A statement of interest (maximum 4 pages; LNCS style) can be about ideas, solutions, methods, products, research projects or implementation experience pertaining to OWL. 


General Chair:
Melanie Courtot, British Columbia Cancer Research Centre (Canada)

Program Chair:
Michel Dumontier, Carleton University (Canada)

Program Committee:
* Jie Bao, RPI (USA)
* Mike Bergman, Structured Dynamics LLC (Canada)
* Kendall Clark, Clark and Parsia (USA)
* Bernardo Cuenca-Grau, Oxford University (UK)
* Achille Fokoue, IBM
* John Goodwin, Ordnance Survey (UK)  
* Janna Hastings, EBI (UK)
* Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University (USA)
* Martin Hepp, Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany)
* Robert Hoehndorf, University of Cambridge (UK)
* Rinke Hoekstra, Leibniz Center for Law of the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
* Matthew Horridge, University of Manchester (UK)  
* Markus Kroetzsch, Oxford University (UK) 
* Joanne Luciano, RPI (USA)
* Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen (Germany)
* James Malone, EMBL/EBI (UK)
* Ralf Moeller, Hamburg University of Technology (Germany)  
* Chris Mungall, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
* Bijan Parsia, Manchester University (UK)
* Hector Perez-Urbina, Clark & Parsia (USA)
* Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs (USA)
* Bjoern Peters, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology (USA)
* Alexandre Riazanov, UNB (Canada)
* Sebastian Rudolph, KIT/AIFB Karlsruhe (Germany)
* Alan Ruttenberg, University of Buffalo (USA)  
* Matthias Samwald, DERI (Ireland)
* Uli Sattler, University of Manchester (UK)
* Michael Schneider, FZI (Germany)
* Thomas Schneider, Universität des Saarlandes (GermanY)
* Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany)
* Zhe Wu, Oracle (USA)
* Antoine Zimmermann, DERI (Ireland)

Steering Committee:
* Kendall Clark, Clark & Parsia (USA)
* Melanie Courtot, Terry Fox Laboratory (CA)
* Michel Dumontier, Carleton University (CA)
* Rinke Hoekstra, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
* Alan Ruttenberg, University at Buffalo (USA)
* Uli Sattler, University of Manchester (UK)
* Michael Schneider, FZI Research Center for Information Technology (DE)

Received on Monday, 13 December 2010 20:09:20 UTC