CFP: 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering


6th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
November  2005
New York City, New York

WISE 2005 aims at presenting novel topics and approaches to Web engineering 
in the dynamic, diverse, distributed and ever increasing volume of WWW data 
and applications. In particular, we invite researchers, professionals, and 
industrial practitioners to share their knowledge of web technologies, 
methodologies and applications. WISE 2005 is the first WISE conference to 
be held in the US. Previous WISE conferences were held in China (2000), 
Japan (2001), Singapore (2002), Italy (2003), and Australia (2004). 
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Web services discovery and composition		  		 
* Semantic Web and ontologies
* Grid computing 
* P2P systems		  
* Mobile services			
* Service oriented architecture and systems
* Service monitoring and management                           
* Web mining and warehousing	                  	    
* Web security and trust management
* Stream processing and optimization
* Web quality of service and transaction
* E-commerce and E-government
* Web performance
* Web information extraction and integration
* Web agents and Web Intelligence
* Innovative Web-based Applications
* Web-based Scientific Data Management 
* Modeling and Learning
* Collaboration  and Coordination
* XML and Semi-structured data              

Sponsored by: Telcordia Technologies Inc.

Important Dates

Abstracts due			June 10, 2005
Papers due			June 17, 2005
Decision notification		Aug. 12, 2005
Camera-ready copies due		Sept. 16, 2005 
Workshop proposal		March 26, 2005
Tutorial/panel  proposal	June 24, 2005

Abstracts and papers must be electronically submitted via the conference 
web site in pdf.  Papers must use at least 11 pt fonts and not exceed 25 
double spaced pages (including figures, tables, etc.). 

Papers due 11:59 PM US PST, June 17, 2005.

Publication and Awards

The proceedings of WISE 2005 and associated workshops will be published 
by Springer LNCS series.

The Yahiko Kambayashi Best Paper Award (with $1000) will be given to the 
best paper.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for 
publication in a special issue of the "Internet and Web Information Systems" 
or the "WWW Journal" published by Springer. 

Industrial Program

The conference program will include a number of papers and invited 
presentations devoted to industrial developments. Papers intended for this 
program should be clearly marked as industrial track papers and submit to 
the industry program chair. The deadlines and requirements for industrial 
papers are the same as for research paper submissions. 

To submit industry paper, contact: 
	Jen Yao Chung ( 

Tutorial/Panel Program
Tutorials will complement the research and industrial tracks. Tutorial 
proposals must include an abstract, an outline, a description of the target 
audience, and a short bio of the presenter(s). Proposals (in pdf) for 
tutorial/panel program are due on June 24, 2005.  

To submit a tutorial proposal, contact: 
	Boualem Benatallah (

To submit a panel proposal, please contact: 
	James Geller (


The WISE program will include several workshops. Workshop proposals are 
due on March, 25 2005. 

To submit workshop proposals contact: 
	Gail Kaiser (

Conference Officers

General Co-Chairs		
	Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Telcordia, USA
	Vijay Alturi, Rutgers U., USA
Program Co-chairs 		
	Masaru Kitsuregawa, U. of Tokyo, Japan
	Erich Neuhold, Fraunhofer- IPSI, Germany
	Anne Ngu, Texas State U., USA
Industrial Program Chair	
	Jen Yao Chung, IBM, USA
Tutorial Chair			
	Boualem Benatallah, U. of New South Wales, Australia
Panel Chair			
	James Geller, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA 
Workshop Chair
	Gail Kaiser, Columbia U., USA
Local Arrangements Chair
	Thimios Panagos, Telcordia, USA
	Soon Ae Chun, Seton Hall U., USA
Publication Chair
	Dave Buttler, LLNL, USA  
Publicity Chair
	Helen Paik, Queensland U. of Technology, Australia
WISE Steering Committee Liaisons
	Yanchun Zhang, Victoria U., Australia
	Marek Rusinkiewicz, Telcordia, USA

Program Commitee Members

Marco Aiello, University of Trento, Italy
Rafael Alonso, Sarnoff Corporation, USA 
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Athman Bouguettaya, Virgina Tech, USA
Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Sang Kyun Cha, Seoul National Uni, Korea
Sharma Chakravarthy, UT Arlington, USA
Edward Chang, UCSB, USA 
Arbee L.P. Chen, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Guihai Chen, Nanjing University, China
Andrzej Cichocki, Telcordia Technologies, USA
Anindya Datta, Georgia Tech University and Chutney, USA
Gill Dobbie, University of Auckland, NZ
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Johann Eder, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Tina Eliassi-Rad, LLNL, USA
Ahmed Elmagarmid, Purdue University, USA
Peter Fankhauser , Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany
Paul Grefen, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Claude Godart, INRIA, France
Wook-Shin Han, Kyung-Pook National University, Korea
Manfred Hauswirth, EPFL, Switzerland 
Carol Hazelwood, Texas State University, USA
Christian Hueme, Uni Wien, Austria
Jane Hsui, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Keith Jeffery, BITD, UK 
George Karabatis, University of Maryland, USA
Kamal Karlapalem, IIIT,  India
Martin Kersten, CWI, The Netherlands
Hiroyuki Kitagawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece 
Herman Lam, University of Florida, USA
Jianzhong Li, Harbin University of Technology, China
Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong, China
Kwei-Jay Lin, UC Irvine, USA
XueMin Lin, University of New South Wales, Australia
Tok Wang Ling, NUS, Singapore
Chengfei Liu, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Jianguo Lu, University of Windsor, Canada
Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE
Pat Martin, Queen's University, Canada
Rubens Melo, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Robert Meersman, Free University, Brussels
Michele Missikoff, Cnr Italy
Miyuki Nakano, University of Tokyo, Japan
Tamer Ozsu, University of Waterloo, Canada 
Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Dewayne Perry, University of Texas, USA
Rodion Podorozhny, Texas State University, USA
Dimitris Plexousakis, University of Crete, Greece
Colette Rolland, Universite Paris France
Louiqa Raschid, University of Maryland, USA
Thomas Risse, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany
Michael Rys, Microsoft, USA
Keun Ho Ryu, Chungbuk National University, Korea
Mark Segal, Telcordia technologies, USA
John Shepherd, University of New South Wales, Australia
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Massey University, New Zealand
Ming-Chien Shan, HP Labs, USA
Monica Scannapieco, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
Amit Sheth, University of Gerogia, USA
Jianwen Su, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA 
Stanely Su, University of Florida, USA
Katsumi Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan
Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo, Canada
Peter Trianatfillou, University of Patars, Greece
Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, University of  Athens, Greece
Roel Wieringa, Twente University, The Netherlands
Leah Wong, SPAWAR System Center, USA
Limsoon Wong, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Ge Yu, Northeastern University, China
Jeffrey Yu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China 
ASANO Yasuhito, Tohoku University, Japan
Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Nagoya University, Japan
Carlo Zaniolo, UCLA, USA
LiangZhao Zeng, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
Aoying Zhou, Fudan University, China
Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia 

        For more information please contact the conference website 
     which will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Received on Thursday, 24 February 2005 00:23:37 UTC