Re: DRS guide -- usage scenario ?

On Jan 15, 2004, at 11:50 AM, Drew McDermott wrote:

>> [Bijan Parsia]
>> I think that interesting structured literals can do a fair bit.
> I guess I don't know what "literal" means.  What does it mean?  (Just
> point me to the right section of the right technical working group
> recommendation working paper formal normative note.)


Interesting use of XMLLiterals, especially, if you want to use XML 
schema complex datatypes requires solving:

"""Because there is no standard way to go from a URI reference to an 
XML Schema datatype in an XML Schema, there is no standard way to use 
user-defined XML Schema datatypes in OWL."""

But I believe Peter has a solution that he in fact proposed to the XML 
Schema working group. There's no fundamental technical issue about 
complex types, only the standardization of names. If RDF/XMLLiterals 
(or RDF/N3 literals) proved of special interest, we could coin uris for 
them and ask the community of tool builders to take those into account.

Bijan Parsia.

Received on Thursday, 15 January 2004 12:25:56 UTC