Re: Expressiveness of RDF as Rule Conclusion Language (KIF or not to KIF)

   [Gerd Wagner]
   That's exactly what we have in (extended) logic programs.
   But it's no longer classical logic!


This is a very odd argument to listen to, where the parties seem to be

  A: It's not classical logic.

  B: Nonsense!  It's *not* classical logic.

  A: Get out of here!  It's not *classical* logic!!

  B: No way!  It's not classical logic!

I believe everyone is in agreement that allowing arbitrary new
inference rules takes us beyond the realm of classical logic.  So
there's nothing left to argue about.  (I hope.)

                                             -- Drew McDermott

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2001 11:51:11 UTC