Call for Book Chapters on Intelligent Wireless Communications


*Call for Book Chapters***

*“Intelligent Wireless Communications”*

*Indexed by Scopus***


*George Mastorakis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece*

*Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, University of Nicosia, Cyprus*

*Jordi Mongay Batalla, National Institute of Telecommunications and 
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland*

*Evangelos Pallis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece


The incredible growth of wireless communication technologies has led to 
the research in both academia and industry for intelligent technologies 
to satisfy future users’ requirements. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will 
play a crucial role in wireless communication environments, enabling for 
smarter services, applications, business processes and social 
interaction. AI mechanisms applied in wireless communication can be 
exploited in smart networking applications and intelligent networks, by 
providing insights from collected data. This capability will enable the 
identification of patterns and allow operational predictions with higher 
accuracy in small time periods. The future of AI-powered wireless 
networking infrastructures depends on the effective solutions to a 
number of technical challenges that such paradigms introduce. Challenges 
include intelligent sensor capabilities improvement, smart Big Data 
analytics, automated remote data management, as well as open and secure 
composition of processes, which may be implemented into emerging 
AI-enabled wireless networking architectures. Some initiatives try to 
incorporate Artificial Intelligence schemes in wireless communications 
environments, but new frameworks have to be defined. In fact, the 
approach of wireless communications is to find the potential benefits of 
AI, in order to build extensive ecosystems, for increasing the number of 
automated services and their value. In addition, new wireless 
communication systems will become ever-more demanding, in respect to 
performance requirements and AI can be exploited towards alleviating 
many future challenges. Therefore, it will be important to investigate 
issues in respect to AI applicability to optimize wireless communication 
systems performance.

In this respect, this book aims to gather recent research works in 
emerging Artificial Intelligence methods for processing and storing 
data, generated from wireless communication infrastructures. The major 
subjects of the proposed book will cover the analysis and the 
development of AI-powered mechanisms in future wireless networking 
applications and architectures. As the first book of its kind, it will 
address the major new technological developments in the field and will 
reflect current research trends, as well as industry needs. It will 
comprise of a good balance between theoretical and practical issues, 
covering case studies, experience and evaluation reports and best 
practices, in utilizing AI applications in wireless communication 
networks. It will also provide technical/scientific information about 
various aspects of AI technologies, ranging from basic concepts to 
research grade material, including future directions.

Topics of interest include but are /_not limited_/ to:

·Algorithm optimization for intelligent wireless and mobile applications

·Intelligent Big Data analytics

·IoT with deep learning schemes

·Web intelligence applications and search

·AI-enabled cloud computing

·Context-aware intelligent wireless communications

·Intelligent data mining and knowledge discovery

·Deep-learning network approaches for wireless system applications and 

·Distributed intelligent systems

·Machine-learning algorithms for wireless communication technologies

·Applications of AI for 5G resource management

·Intelligent edge-based mobile computing and analysis

·Embedded Intelligence

·Intelligent social media analytics

·Intelligent web systems

·Self-Organizing intelligent systems

·Smart cities and AI applications

·Evaluation of AI solutions in wireless communications

·AI and IoT applications

·Adaptive content in intelligent services provision

·Crowd-sensing and AI

·Social crowd-based filtering using AI techniques

·AI in all sort of wireless communications

·Social computing and intelligent IoT

·Intelligent sensors

·Mobile smart social networks

·Security, privacy and trust by design and performance evaluation

·Mobility, location, and handoff management in smart environments

·Multimedia QoS, and traffic management in intelligent networks

·Multiple access in machine-to-machine communication

·Intelligent network estimation techniques

·AI-based schemes for wireless emergency communication networks

·Applications of AI for 5G+ wireless transmission technologies

/We strongly welcome _other topic suggestions,_ dealing with//Cloud and 
Fog Computing in emerging mobile computing environments./

    _Schedule & Deadlines_

·*_1^st October 2019_*
Chapter title, authors and abstract via E-mail: 

·*_31^st January 2020_*
Full chapter submission via e-mail: 

·*_31^st March 2020_*
Review comments

·*_30^th April 2020_*
Submission of the revised version

·*_31^st May 2020_*
Final acceptance notification

    _Manuscript Preparation_

·Please follow the manuscript formatting guidelines below to submit the 
original version in */Microsoft Word/* format:

·Each final manuscript should be 30 pages long (formatted). Depending on 
the number of submissions, longer manuscripts will be also accepted.

Received on Monday, 16 September 2019 09:07:11 UTC