Classification pattern

(This isn't very much RDF-XML related, although that format could be one of the 
import/export syntaxes for a tool built upon this framework) 

In the path of building a KR/Ontology management system, where I've seen 
many of the options available, I've thinked there should a way to finest grain 
to represent information and schema data, providing there will be a way to decompose, 
for later composing the information in given format should be required. 

In the middle, this 'abstract representation' will allow to enrich data provided, by 
merging ontologies, reification, entailment and inferencing. 

The whole idea consists in treating entities in an ontology as being one of 
three kinds: Signs (Names), Object (Values) and Concepts (Types). This is a way 
of 'semantic' interpretation/representation of data-metadata but rather also a 
'semiotic' one, in which treatment of signs, objects and meaning relationships 
is done basically this way. 

Once we have reached the Type-Name-Object level of abstraction (where models, meta models 
and meta meta models can reside) the task to be acomplished is to arrange the data 
in a manner where inference, entailment and reification may occur. This should be done 
grouping or 'aggregating' the entities this way: 

Values of the same Name 
Values of the same Type 

Names of the same Value 
Names of the same Type 

Types of the same Value 
Types of the same Name 

The 'aggregation' is done in a Container-Containee abstraction pattern fashion, 
where the objects contained in a container are inside the container playing an 
specific Role, and, the container itself, in turn, is containg its children 
in another given role. 

This way one could find, given, for example, that many values are inside a type in 
the same role, that those values are at least 'similar', or also they are the same value, 
maybe with different name. 

So, one could find answers, and see graphically where objects and nodes in the graph 
are the same thing, refer to the same thing, or are logically 'grouped' thogether, 
conforming a bigger entity. A tool should be developed to manipulate objects like that. 
The work is the early stages of development, only coded the core classes of the main data 
structures are coded. 

There should be necessary later to build a parser, one of a given textual grammar 
for this model, one for a XML representation of the model, and another tool for generating 
output in one of these representations from, for example, a RDBMs schema and data or XML/RDFS/OWL datasources. 

More information available at: 

Sebastian Samaruga

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Received on Friday, 21 August 2009 09:21:02 UTC