last CFP: NICSO 2008 - extended deadline: September 12

               (Apologies for multiple postings)

                    LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

                         NICSO 2008
           International Workshop on Nature Inspired
            Cooperative Strategies for Optimization

                      Puerto Palace Hotel
                  Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife
                     12-14 November  2008



       *NEWS*: EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 12th, 2008

NICSO 2008 is the third edition of the International Workshop on
Nature Inspired  Cooperative Strategies for Optimization.
Its  aims are:
(1) to foster a deeper understanding of "cooperativity" in
        computational optimisation systems, and
(2) to encourage a vigorous exchange of ideas about emerging
        research areas in cooperative problem solving strategies.

The accepted papers will be published in the Springer book series on
Studies in Computational Intelligence.

The authors of the  best accepted  papers will be invited to revise
and expand their  contributions for  publication in a special issue in
the Memetic Computing Journal (Springer) shortly after the event.

All submissions (only pdf file) must be sent at
The length of each contribution will not exceed 12 pages.

Produce a camera ready copy using NICSO2008 latex style found at

Each contribution must providing original results, insights and
experimental innovations.

All submitted papers will be blind reviewed and acceptance will be
based on originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity.

- *EXTENDED* submission deadline: September 12th, 2008
- Notification of Acceptance: September, 30
- Deadline for Camera-ready:  October, 20

Dr. Mario Pavone (PhD)
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Catania
V.le A. Doria 6 - 95125 Catania, Italy
tel: 0039 095 7383038
fax: 0039 095 330094

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