FIS 2008: 2nd Call for Papers


Future Internet Symposium
FIS 2008
28th-30th September | Vienna, Austria
Important dates
Submission deadline: June 22, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 13, 2008
Camera Ready: July 27, 2008
Conference: September 28-30, 2008
Aims and Scope
With over a billion users, today's Internet is arguably the most successful
human artifact ever created. The Internet's physical infrastructure,
software, and content now play an integral part of the lives of everyone on
the planet, whether they interact with it directly or not. Now nearing its
fifth decade, the Internet has shown remarkable resilience and flexibility
in the face of ever increasing numbers of users, data volume, and changing
usage patterns, but faces growing challenges in meetings the needs of our
knowledge society. Globally, many major initiatives are underway to address
the need for more scientific research, physical infrastructure investment,
better education, and better utilisation of the Internet. Japan, USA and
Europe are investing heavily in this area.  EU is shaping around the idea of
the Future Internet its research programmes for the Seventh Framework. EU
commissioners, national government ministers, industry leaders and
researchers did meet in Bled, Slovenia, this March to begin developing a
vision of a future internet that will meet Europe's needs a decade from now,
and beyond.
A broad programme of scientific research is essential to supporting the aims
of the Future Internet initiative. To complement the agenda-setting activity
emerging from the Bled conference, the Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008)
is a new open international event designed to bring together leading
researchers to collaborate and contribute to the science behind the vision.
Like the EU's Future Internet initiative, it will be multidisciplinary and
seek to integrate research and researchers from all facets of the internet
enterprise.  FIS 2008 will deal with the main requirements our Future
Internet must satisfy: an Internet of Things, where every electronic device
will be an active participant in the network; an Internet of Services, where
applications live in the network, and data becomes an active entity; an
Internet of Content & Media, where most of the contents are generated by
end-users; an Internet of Publicity, Privacy and Anonymity, where people and
software must understand how much trust to extend to others; an Internet of
Mobility and Ubiquity, where connectivity everywhere is expected, and
depended upon. All these nascent internets, and the others that we have yet
to imagine, require further research activity, especially at the
interdisciplinary boundaries where opportunities lie and problems lurk.
The conference welcomes submissions of original, high quality papers in all
the areas of research related to the emerging idea of the future internet.
The symposium will pay special attention to works that cross the boundaries
of the major topics related to the idea of the Internet of the Future, such
as "Software and Services",  "Networks and Mobility",  and "Content &
Media". FIS 2008 will also put the emphasis on works that address issues
that are "cross-cutting" such topics, such as security, trust,
interoperability, reliability, infrastructures and architectures,
experimental facilities, networks, service level agreements (SLAs), and
All submissions will be subject to peer review by at least two members of
the program committee. Selection criteria include overall contribution to
the future internet, accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and
significance of results, and quality of presentation. For each accepted
paper, at least one author is required to attend the conference to present
the paper.
Submission details:
Details for Papers have to be submitted electronically at  Papers should be written
in English and should be no more than 10 pages, font Times 11pt. Authors are
requested to follow the LNCS Style. The first page should contain the title
of the paper, names and addresses of all authors (including e-mail), an
abstract (100-150 words) and a list of keywords.
Submissions should describe original research. Papers accepted for
presentation at FIS 2008 cannot be presented or have been presented at
another meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers that
are being submitted to other conferences must indicate this on the title
page, as must papers that contain significant overlap with previously
published work. Over lengthy or late submissions will be rejected without
review. Notification of receipt and acceptance of papers will be sent to the
first author.
Proceedings: The plan is to publish the proceedings by Springer-Verlag in
their Lecture Notes on Computer Science series.
Language: The official language of the conference is English.
Location: FIS 2008 will be held in Vienna, Austria. More information on the
specific location will soon be available at the conference web site.
Organizing Committee:
Chair: John Domingue | The Open University
Programme co-Chairs:
Dieter Fensel | STI Innsbruck
Paolo Traverso | FBK Center for Information Technology IRST
Tutorial Chair: Claudia Guglielmina | TXT e-solutions
Workshop Chair: Elena Simperl | STI Innsbruck
Demo and Poster Chair: Anna V. Zhdanova | FTW
Sponsor Chair: Alexander Wahler | STI International
Industrial Liaison: John Davies | BT
Publicity Chair: Lejla Halilovic | STI  International
Local Organisation: Eva Zelechowski | STI International
Registration:  The registration information will soon be available on the
conference web site:

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 09:47:35 UTC