CFP: TIME 2006

                CALL FOR PAPERS

               T I M E   2 0 0 6


               Budapest, Hungary

               June 15-17, 2006


The 13th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and
Reasoning will be held on June 15-17, 2006 in Budapest, Hungary.
The symposium will bring together researchers working in various
areas that involve the representation of and reasoning about
temporal phenomena.  As with previous meetings in this unique and
well-established series, one of the main goals of the TIME symposium
will be to bridge the gap between theoretical and applied research
in temporal representation and reasoning.


The topics of interest include but are not limited to  the following:

Temporal representation and Reasoning in AI:
   temporal aspects of agent- and policy-based systems
   temporal constraint reasoning
   reasoning about actions and change
   temporal languages for planning
   temporal languages and architectures
   ontologies of time and space-time
   expressive power versus tractability
   belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
   temporal learning and discovery
   time and nonmonotonicity
   time in problem solving
   spatio-temporal reasoning

Representation and Reasoning about Time in Language
   database representations of temporal information from text
   temporal information extraction
   standards for encoding the values of temporal expressions in
natural language
   temporal and spatial characterization of events
   establishing ordering, inclusion, and coreference relations in
    leveraging of ontologies for temporal information
    reasoning about modals, i.e., possible events, necessary events,
      counterfactual events, etc.
    semantics of indeterminate or vague temporal references
    semantics and pragmatics of temporal prepositions
    application of logics for temporal reasoning in language
    computational analysis of temporal aspects of narrative structure

Time Management in Databases
   (spatio)-temporal data models/query languages/indexing/systems
   moving objects databases
   constraint databases
   temporal data mining
   time in multimedia, federated and heterogeneous systems
   querying time series and data streams
   time in workflow and ECA systems
   time-dependent security policies

Temporal Logic in Computer Science
   specification and verification of systems
   synthesis and execution
   model checking algorithms
   verification of infinite-state systems
   reasoning about transition systems
   temporal architectures
   temporal logics of knowledge or distributed systems
   hybrid systems and real-time logics
   tools and practical systems
   temporal issues in security

The symposium welcomes new directions in time research and topics
that are currently underrepresented in the symposium.


Paper Submission Deadline:   January 30, 2006
Notification of Acceptance:  March 13, 2006
Camera Ready Copy Due:       April 3, 2006
TIME 2006 Symposium:         June 15-17, 2006

Submissions must not exceed the length of 11 pages; font size
must be 11 pt or larger. The papers should be submitted as PDF
files. Overlength submissions will be rejected without review.
Papers should be electronically submitted via the TIME 2006
website ( All submissions must be
received by January 30, 2006.

As usual within the TIME series, proceedings will be published by
IEEE Computer Society Press and will be subject to IEEE Copyright.
Accepted papers will be invited for full presentation or poster
presentation. One author of each accepted paper has to register for
the symposium and present the paper. Camera ready papers will be
produced with the author kits sent by IEEE Computer Society Press.
It is also our intention to organize a special issue of a leading
journal, containing extended versions of selected papers from the


Angelo Montanari


Alessandro Artale
Claudio Bettini
Bran Boguraev
Berthe Choueiry
Jan Chomicki
Carlo Combi
Stephane Demri
Michael Fisher
Shashi Gadia
Robert Gaizauskas
Sofie Haesevoets
Keijo Heljanko
Jerry Hobbs
George Kollios
Laszlo Kozma
Antonin Kucera
Bart Kuijpers
Alex Lascarides
Lixin Li
Inderjeet Mani
Hans Jurgen Ohlbach
Wojciech Penczek
James Pustejovsky (co-Chair)
Peter Revesz (co-Chair)
Frank Schilder
Spiros Skiadopoulos
Richard Snodgrass
David Toman
Andre Trudel
X. Sean Wang
Frank Wolter
Shasha Wu


Antony Galton
Christian Jensen


Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 17:56:37 UTC