Re: UMBC Semantic Web Reference Card

This is very neat.

On the same line of 'helping tools': I have made a series of diagrams in SVG:

You can navigate by clicking on the elements on the bottom line of the screen; by clicking 
on the nodes you get to the relevant portion of the RDFS, resp. OWL Reference, document.

Warning: this thing has some javascripting behind it, and it requires a good SVG player. I 
have never tried it with the built in SVG of Mozilla, for example. I tested it with the 
Adobe player only, but I use that quite regularly myself.


Tim Finin wrote:
> The UMBC Semantic Web Reference Card [1] is a handy "cheat
> sheet" for semantic web developers, programmers and
> students. It can be printed double sided on one sheet of
> paper and tri-folded. The card lists common RDF/RDFS/OWL
> classes and properties, popular namespaces and terms, XML
> datatypes, reserved terms, grammars and examples for
> encodings, etc. Please send any comments or suggestions
> (especially about errors or omissions) to feedback @
> [1]


Ivan Herman
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Received on Friday, 11 March 2005 08:42:23 UTC