CFP: Teaching Multi-agent Systems (TeachMAS) @ AAMAS

[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

                            Call for Papers

    The AAMAS-2005 Workshop on Teaching Multi-Agent Systems (TeachMAS)
   25th or 26th July 2005, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) have reached a point where many people have become
interested in being educated in MAS basics and specialities. So far, we find
rather isolated attempts at providing help in teaching MAS. This workshop
aims at bringing together researchers that are interested in the teaching
aspect of the field to identify problems specific to teaching MAS and inform
each other about innovative approaches to teaching MAS and MAS-specific
tools that improve the learning experience of students.
We are inviting contributions describing:
   * Positive and negative experiences in teaching MAS
      - at the undergraduate level
      - at the graduate level
       - in continuing education
   * Problems specific to teaching MAS and possible solutions
   * The integration of theory and practice in teaching MAS
   * MAS-specific tools for teaching MAS
   * Innovative approaches to teaching and learning MAS

Papers addressing other issues specific to teaching MAS are also encouraged.
Contributions will be reviewed based on their appropriateness of subject
matter, quality, clarity of presentation and analysis of the reported
approaches and experiences. One of the problems in teaching MAS is the
integration of theory and practice. We therefore want to ask everyone who
wants to participate in the workshop and/or discussions to send the
organizers a short statement describing his/her views on how theory can be
best integrated with practice or specific approaches that they follow in
their own course. The organizers will analyze these statements and report on
the spread of topics found during the workshop to start the discussion.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 14th 2005
Notification of Acceptance: April 18th 2005
Workshop:25th or 26th July 2005

Submission Procedure
Contributors may submit either full papers or a short statement. Papers
should be limited to 8 pages and adhere to the formatting guidelines of
AAMAS while short statements should be limited to 1 page and should be
submitted in plain ASCII text. All submissions should be sent either in
PostScript format or in PDF format by email to Maria Fasli on
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop.

Organizing Committee
Maria Fasli (primary contact)
University of Essex
Department of Computer Science
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK

Joerg Denzinger
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4

Harko Verhagen
Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences
Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology
Forum 100, 16400 Kista, Sweden

Received on Saturday, 5 February 2005 11:19:49 UTC