Ontology Definition Metamodel Review Draft

The ODM submission team responding to the Object Management Group's (OMG)
Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) RFP are pleased to announce the release
of a draft response for review and comment.
The release includes the proposed MOF meta-models for RDFS, OWL, Topic Maps,
Entity-Relation Diagrams and generic Description Logics in several formats,
and a PDF version of the draft text for volume one of the response which
discusses these meta-models. Sections not provided in this draft include
design rationale, compliance points, metamodel mappings, and UML profiles.
The draft may be downloaded from: <http://codip.grci.com/odm/draft/>. 

Please direct comments on the draft to: odm-comments@att.com

Please direct access or other administrative concerns to: Patrick Emery at
patemery@att.com <mailto:patemery@att.com> 

Lewis Hart, 
for the ODM submission team. 

Lewis L Hart 
Chief Scientist - Intelligent Agent Systems
AT&T Government Solutions lewishart@att.com
1900 Gallows Rd.       Voice (703) 506-5938
Vienna, Va 22182         Fax (703) 556-4261

Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2004 13:58:46 UTC