Re: rule question

paolo veronelli wrote:
> 1)
> I think I can use the following:
> facts:
>  x1,p,y1
>  x2,p,y2
>  x1,rdf:type,c1
>  x2,rdf:type,c2
> inference
> c1,rdf:subClassOf,c2
>     or
> c2,rdf:subClassOf,c1
> is it right?
> is it possible to express this in RDFS?
> 2)
> is it possible to infere x,rdf:domain,y from a set of triples that don't 
> contain x,rdf:domain,* ?

If you are interpreting your triples with OWL semantics, then yes it is possible 
to infer domain constraints. E.g., I could state a range restriction on the 
inverse property of x. Much more subtle inferences would also be possible.


> how is it composed this set?
>                     Thanx for any hint

Received on Thursday, 22 July 2004 12:52:17 UTC