Re: Does Euler support owl:hasValue ?

>>I am trying to write some tests using owl:hasValue and run it through 
>>Euler.  Unfornately, I'm not having much luck.  I am trying say "any 
>>object that has a property "dc:subject" and a value of "foo" is an 
>>instance of a :Foo class".  I do it with:
>>:Foo a owl:Class ;
>>     rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
>>                       owl:onProperty dc:subject ;
>>                       owl:hasValue^^xsd:string "foo" ] .
>>I then give it the facts:
>>:foo a owl:Thing ; dc:subject^^xsd:string "foo" .
>>dc:subject a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:string .
> hm.. haven't thought vere hard, but shouldn't that be
> [ a owl:Restriction ;
>   owl:onProperty dc:subject ;
>   owl:hasValue "foo"^^xsd:string ] rdfs:subClassOf :Foo .
> :Foo a owl:Class .
> :foo a owl:Thing ; dc:subject "foo"^^xsd:string .
> dc:subject a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:string .

Thanks Jos and Benjamin!

I had originally constructed it that way due to how I read and 
  I'm not sure why that doesn't work, but your example (having the 
anonymous class be the subclass of :Foo) does work.

Am I reading the example from the OWL guide incorrectly?

Again, your help is wonderful and really appreciated!

Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 02:24:36 UTC