URIs for chair's challenge

Apologies for not including these in my earlier messages - I hit send 
sooner than I intended.
  -Jim H.

The info on the OWL langauge and our tests are at 

the specific tests are noted in the test document which is

and the current state of various implementations and how they've done 
(and how to add one's own) are at 

My earlier mail (separately sent to www-rdf-logic, www-rdf-interest, 
and public-webont-comments) read:
>To all OWL implementors, computational logicians, RDF hackers and 
>others who may be interested:
>  The Web Ontology Working Group (WOWG) call for implementations is 
>going quite well - in fact, only two of our approved tests currently 
>remain "unconquered" - these are
>This message is a request to all implementors to ask you to 
>prioritize these two tests and work towards their solution.
>To make this more fun, I hereby offer the first group that passes 
>each of these tests the coveted OWL.OWL award -- the WOWG chairs' 
>award for service "above and beyond the call of duty" in helping OWL 
>to advance to eventual recommendation status.
>  -Jim Hendler

Professor James Hendler				  hendler@cs.umd.edu
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  *** 240-277-3388 (Cell)
http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/hendler      *** NOTE CHANGED CELL NUMBER ***

Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2003 12:01:06 UTC