Re: What's the difference? rdf:about, owl:sameIndividualAs


Sorry for not being in order.

> Your initial question was: what's the difference between rdf:about and
> owl:sameIndividualAs? I'm trying to show a case where they can't be
> interchangeably, which is one way of answering your question.

Yep.  I get confused sometimes, so please excuse my opacity. ;-)

> As far as I can tell, eliminating sameIndividualAs would
> remove the possibility of making such statements, unless, as you 
> mentioned originally, rdf:about becomes a property rather than an
> attribute.

I don't want to eliminate owl:sameIndividualAs.  On the contrary, I want
to examine the role that *rdf:about* plays.  Perhaps a property such as
"rdf:alias" could take the place of both. 

In essence, I'm arguing for something like the following statment:

rdf:about owl:equivalentProperty owl:sameIndividualAs
owl:sameIndividualAs owl:equivalentProperty rdf:about

> Can you show me how, using rdf:about as an attribute, you
> would state that "#van1" refers to the same individual as "#van2",
> without altering their original descriptions?

I can if I say that rdf:about is a _property_ or _predicate_ rather than
an attribute:

	<rdf:about rdf:resource="#van1" />
	<rdf:about rdf:resource="#van2" />


Jimmy Cerra

] "I have learned these days, never to limit
]  anyone else due to my own limited
]  imagination." - Dr. Mae C. Jemison

Received on Monday, 26 May 2003 02:15:26 UTC