Re: What's the difference? rdf:about, owl:sameIndividualAs


> The main use that I see for "sameIndividualAs" is in
> reconciling information that was created by two different
> sources, where the sameIndividualAs property is added after
> the "creation" of the individuals.

That implies that the two different resources being used should not be
blank.  However, what does it mean if you have a blank node?  What does
the following mean?

   <daml:sameIndividualAs rdf:resource="#van2"/>

> The use of "sameIndividualAs" makes sense to me because it has
> one purpose, whereas "rdf:about" is used in a number of
> different contexts.

I don't see how.  "rdf:about" indicates the identity of a resource.
"daml:sameIndividualAs" indicates the identity of a previously
identified resource.  Both seem to be used to label a resource with an
alias.  At least, that's how I see it.

Jimmy Cerra

] "I have learned these days, never to limit
]  anyone else due to my own limited
]  imagination." - Dr. Mae C. Jemison

Received on Sunday, 25 May 2003 02:24:20 UTC