Re: What's the difference? rdf:about, owl:sameIndividualAs


> As an example: a bank security guard reports a blue van leaving the 
> scene of a robbery. Later, a motorist reports being sideswiped by a
> van. Both reports have subjects that are represented by OWL instances.

> Later, it is determined that these subject instances refer to the same

> blue van, so a sameIndividualAs relationship is created between the

I'm a little confused.  Could you show me an example in RDF?

> The way that we foresee using owl:sameIndividualAs in the project I'm 
> working on is to describe the relationship between two object 
> descriptions (possibly from two different sources) that in fact refer
> a single instance.

That's how I understand using owl:sameIndividualAs as well.  Note: in
OWL Lite and OWL DL that property is restricted to (not
classes/subclasses or properties/subproperties).  Using the properties
outside of the Lite and DL ranges causes the classes/properties being
described to be interpreted as an individual and only OWL Full allows

> I'm not sure if this is a legitimate use of owl:sameIndividualAs (I'm 
> sure someone will tell me if it isn't, and correct all my
> but if it is, would that relationship be expressible using rdf:about
> an attribute?

Depends, show me an example.

Jimmy Cerra

] "My mind is slipping away...
]  day by glorious day." - RAG III

> Message-ID: <>
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 08:33:49 -0700
> From: Steven Gollery <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: What's the difference?  rdf:about, owl:sameIndividualAs
> Jimmy,
> The way that we foresee using owl:sameIndividualAs in the project I'm 
> working on is to describe the relationship between two object 
> descriptions (possibly from two different sources) that in fact refer
> a single instance.
> As an example: a bank security guard reports a blue van leaving the 
> scene of a robbery. Later, a motorist reports being sideswiped by a
> van. Both reports have subjects that are represented by OWL instances.

> Later, it is determined that these subject instances refer to the same

> blue van, so a sameIndividualAs relationship is created between the
> I'm not sure if this is a legitimate use of owl:sameIndividualAs (I'm 
> sure someone will tell me if it isn't, and correct all my
> but if it is, would that relationship be expressible using rdf:about
> an attribute?
> Steve Gollery

Received on Monday, 19 May 2003 02:55:38 UTC